The role of the university branch in the context of the development of the socio-cultural space of the commercial and industrial city (on the example of the branch of VSUES in the city of Nakhodka)

  • Rimskaya T.G.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


This article considers the main tendencies of higher education development in conditions of socio-cultural space trade-industrial city, which is not regional center. Formation of a unified educational space of the University and its branches, recognition of the role of the branches in development of sociocultural space of the city should favour the qualitative improvement of sociocultural urban environment. Important attention is given to analyze of work branch's Vladivostok State University of Economic and Service in Nakhodka in the context social and economic development of Nakhodka city territory.

Keywords: socio-cultural space, social transformation, territorial community, socio-economic indicators, a branch of the university, higher education.